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Academy of Motion Pictures “Great to be Nominated” FOTR Screening Report! |
Academy of Motion Pictures “Great to be Nominated” FOTR Screening Report! - 640x480, 59kB This image is attributed to: http://www.theonering.net/torwp/2008/07/02/29137-academy-of-motion-pictures-great-to-be-nominated-fotr-screening-report/ Author: TORN staffer Garfeimao Source: TORN staffer Garfeimao |
Information: |
L to R - Academy host, Mark Ordesky - Executive Producer, John Gilbert - Editor, Ethan Van Der Ryn - Sound, Barrie Osborne - Producer, Jim Rygiel - Special Effects, Michael Hedges - Sound, Randall William Cook - Animation, Christopher Boyes - Sound Garfeimao writes: The Academy of Motion Pictures, Arts and Sciences has been doing a film series called “Great to be Nominated” which features the film from each year that received the most nominations while not winning one of the major awards. So, 2002 was Fellowship of the Ring, which did win 4 Academy Awards, but none of them in the major categories. The host did mention that the filmmakers were in the unique position of re-dressing that issue 2 years later, when Return of the King won all 11 awards it was nominated for. |
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For related images, see also the Other Events, Exhibitions, Other Crew, Mark Ordesky, Jim Rygiel, Barrie Osborne and Fellowship of the Ring sections. |
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