TORn Classic:
Rohirrim ride at Pelennor |
Rohirrim ride at Pelennor - Original: 853x363, 112kB |
Information: |
In the background, the black plumed helmets of the Edoras Guard are clearly visible as the Rohirric host charge on the plains of Pelennor, complete with the Rohan 'sun' emblem on their shields and ensign banners. The figure in the foreground seems more than a little strange, though - wearing a heavy chainmail headcovering without a helmet and wielding a Viking-style "bearded axe". But, strange as he looks, the foreground figure is definitely supposed to be one of the Rohirrim -- note the horse's head covering and straps, the same as all the other horses have. The Viking-style axe is also something that would fit in well with everything else about the Rohirrim, all of which is very "Viking-ish" in influence, even down to the intertwined animals carved on the pillars of Edoras. Thanks to Ringer Spy ThirdOrcOnTheLeft for the insight and correction on this one - originally we assumed from the black plumes and the dubious looking character in the foreground that these were some of the more exotic hordes of Mordor. |
Further Navigation: |
This image is part of the group RoTK Preview Caps. |
For related images, see also the Pelennor Fields and Return of the King sections. |
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