TORn Classic:
Frodo Sits On Some Steps |
Frodo Sits On Some Steps - Original: 1002x1500, 708kB http://www.fantasyplanet.cz/ |
Information: |
An image of Frodo sitting on some steps at an unknown location. This is from Page 153 of Brian Sibley's most excellent book, The Making of the Movie Trilogy. It's almost certain that this shot is before he receives his Grey Cloak in Lorien. You can see Frodo's grey elven cloak clearly in this picture. Compare it with this shot of the old green cloak he was wearing at Weathertop (which is worn a totally different way). Update: Ringer Spy Bryan makes the informed educated guess that: I am betting this picture comes from Weathertop and he's sitting on one of steps that leads up to the top of Weathertop. It's probably a between takes picture of Elijah [unlikely, in our opinion - Ed.], or it's one from the movie that was of him before he goes to sleep and wakes up to find Merry, Pip, and Sam cooking "potatoes, sausages, and nice crispy bacon." But either way, after they spot the wraiths coming to the base of weathertop, they draw their swords and rush up to the top of Weathertop on a staircase. I think this is that staircase. |
Further Navigation: |
This image is part of the group Frodo on the Steps. |
For related images, see also the Frodo, Fellowship of the Ring and Other Sets & Locs sections. |
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