TORn Classic:
Pevensie House, Narnia Set |
Pevensie House, Narnia Set - Original: 1858x1032, 550kB |
Information: |
Well, I'm being a bit more cautious naming the sets that are springing up around town here in West Auckland, New Zealand. The first one HAD to be a Narnia set-- it was sticking out above the fence around the Lion, Witch &Wardrobe lot where the soundstages are. And to make doubly certain, I asked their publicist Ernie Malik about what you see in these first two pictures, and he confirmed that it's the London house that the Pevensie children lived in before going to their uncle's house in the country where their adventure started. In one photo it looks like a very ordinary house with a few roses peeking over the fence. In the other photo it's a bit clearer that only the front half of the house exists, and in the background are the warehouses that house the soundstages for the production. It looks grey and drab and wartime-y. |
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This image is part of the group Set photos from Tehanu -- Narnia & Hercules. |
For related images, see also the Other Movies and Narnia sections. |
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