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LoTR - Internet Roundup |
LoTR - Internet Roundup - 887x641, 140kB |
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Text Reads: Lord of The Rings That the Lord of The Rings currently is being filmed is something that makes most Tolkien fanatics very exited. Because of this there are evidently lots of sites concerning the book, the movie, Tolkien and his fantastic characters. A good start is to first check out the official site, www.lordoftherings.net. There you can find most of things you could expect. A fun feature is that you can send a question to the director Peter Jackson and he's going to answer five of those questions. But if you want something out of the ordinary then www.theonering.net is a must. Here you can find a packed information source that contains everything from trivial to obscure facts. They even have "spies" who reports the latest from the filming locations. If you like fantasy- and role-playing games there are a lot of inputs. That the site is good looking, clear and well structured doesn't make things worse. In the Fun Section there is a multi-media archive containing both official art and the readers own contributions. You can also download amazingly good looking desktops, send post-cards and read innumerable lines of Tolkien-inspired poetry. Of course there is a discussion forum where one talks about everything between heaven and earth that concerns Tolkien and his characters. Then you absolutely don't want to miss the shop where you can buy every Tolkien stuff that exists. |
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