TORn Classic:
The Medival Dulcimer |
The Medival Dulcimer - 274x170, 22kB |
Information: |
THIS IS NOT THE INSTRUMENT USED IN THE FILM Medival Dulcimer Dulcimers may have originated in the Middle East, probably during the first millennium A.D. If so, the instrument could have been brought to Europe from the Middle East during the Crusades or into Spain with the Moors, or both. Then again, maybe not. Other research puts the origin near the end of the Middle Ages, in Europe, holding that the earlier medieval paintings and statues probably depict psalteries or dulcimer-like instruments without a central bridge. (For references to evidence of dulcimers in Switzerland as early as the 15th century, see Tobias Jenny's dulcimer page.) Earlier 19th Century theorists, now largely discredited, put the origin in Assyria ca 800 BC, based largely on a bas-relief now in the British Museum. Whatever the historical origins, similar instruments have spread around the world. |
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This image is part of the group Sample Musical Instruments. |
For related images, see also the Other TORn Pics sections. |
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