TORn Classic:
The Body Harp |
The Body Harp - 236x300, 15kB |
Information: |
THIS IS NOT THE INSTRUMENT TO BE USED IN THE FILM Body Harp The Kantele is the national instrument of Finland, and has a history in Scandinavia that goes back to the time of the Vikings. Technically, the Kantele is a Psaltery, but it is referred to most often as a story telling harp. The Skalds of Norse history (much like the Bards of the Celtic people) maintained an oral tradition of myths, folklore and Ballads, and the Kantele was used to accompany these songs and stories. Traditionally, Kantele were crafted from softwoods, had five, ten or fifteen metal or gut strings, and were played either as a harp, with plucking, or with a simple system of chording, in which the musician mutes strings with the finger tips of one hand, and strums with the other. |
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This image is part of the group Sample Musical Instruments. |
For related images, see also the Other TORn Pics sections. |
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