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TORn Classic: Sources "W": Source "Weta Workshop Ltd":
Weta Workshop 3D modeller named Supreme Winner
Weta Workshop Ltd
Weta Workshop Ltd
9th May 2007

Weta Workshop 3D modeller named Supreme Winner - 531x800, 64kB

 Weta Workshop 3D modeller named Supreme Winner - Original: 2000x3008, 753kB 

Weta Workshop 3D Modeller Lucy Cant won the Supreme Award at last night’s Zonta Awards. The event, held at Massey University, celebrates the top female graduates from the Massey School of Design.

The awards are sponsored by Zonta, an international club of business women who recognize women who have shown potential in design. Zonta rewards the aspiring designers with a cash prize of $1000 for the four runners up, and a $5000 cash prize for the Supreme Winner.

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