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Background 'Rivendell' by Ted Nasmith

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TORn Classic: Sources "R":
Ringer Spy ShelaghC
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Marquette Curator Talks Tolkien - (702x716, 90kB)
Marquette Curator Shows Tolkien Papers - (800x600, 74kB)
Chicago Fellowship Poses With Tolkien Manuscripts - (800x574, 85kB)
Marquette Curator Talks Tolkien - Ringer Spy ShelaghC Marquette Curator Shows Tolkien Papers - Ringer Spy ShelaghC Chicago Fellowship Poses With Tolkien Manuscripts - Ringer Spy ShelaghC
Marquette Tolkien Archives - Room Two - (800x714, 117kB)
Chicago Fellowship At Joan of Arc Chapel - (700x800, 115kB)
John Rhys-Davies Signs Autographs - (624x476, 67kB)
Marquette Tolkien Archives - Room Two - Ringer Spy ShelaghC Chicago Fellowship At Joan of Arc Chapel - Ringer Spy ShelaghC John Rhys-Davies Signs Autographs - Gencon 2003/Ringer Spy ShelaghC
Middle-earth Weapsons - (640x480, 39kB)
Weapons of Middle-earth - (640x480, 39kB)
Weapons of Middle-earth - (360x480, 21kB)
Middle-earth Weapsons - Gencon 2003/Ringer Spy ShelaghC Weapons of Middle-earth - Gencon 2003/Ringer Spy ShelaghC Weapons of Middle-earth - Gencon 2003/Ringer Spy ShelaghC
Weapons of Middle-earth - (480x640, 39kB)
Brad Dourif Poses for a Photo - (561x382, 46kB)
John Rhys-Davies Gives some Love! - (596x360, 41kB)
Weapons of Middle-earth - Gencon 2003/Ringer Spy ShelaghC Brad Dourif Poses for a Photo - Gencon 2003/Ringer Spy ShelaghC John Rhys-Davies Gives some Love! - Gencon 2003/Ringer Spy ShelaghC
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