TORn Classic:
Sources "R":
Source "Ringer Spy Larry":
Andúril - Flame of the West! |
Andúril - Flame of the West! - Original: 3648x926, 55kB http://www.realmoffantasy.com/swords/UC1380ASNB.asp |
Information: |
Andúril - reforged by elvensmiths from the shards of Narsil - is perhaps the most famous swords in the Lord of the Rings. This United Cutlery replica will be released in November 2003. Elrond said of the legendary blade: "The man who can wield the power of this sword can summon to him an army more deadly than any that walk this earth." The inscription down the length of the blade on both sides is in the Tolkien language of Quenya, written in the runes of Eregion, that say "Nányë Andúril i né Narsil i macil Elendilo. Lercuvanten i máli Mordórëo". This translates to "I am Andúril who was Narsil, the sword of Elendil. Let the thralls of Mordor flee me." The blade inscription features runes framed by stylised symbols of the Sun and the Moon, which represent Anarion and Isildur, the sons of Elendil, and seven symbolic stars that represent Elendil, who died wielding Narsil in battle against Sauron. Inscribed on the pommel are runes in the Elven language of Sindarin that say Narsil essenya, macil meletya; Telchar carneron Navarotesse. This translates to "Narsil is my name, a mighty sword; Telchar made me in Nogrod." |
Further Navigation: |
This image is part of the group Andúril - Flame of the West!. |
For related images, see also the Return of the King and Props sections. |
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