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Background 'Rivendell' by Ted Nasmith

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TORn Classic: Sources "R":
Ringer Spy Janine Email for Ringer Spy Janine Website for Ringer Spy Janine
Browsing source's images 1 to 12 out of 17 (0.0ms).
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founder of thefanlistings.org
  Email: Mischor@t-online.de
  Website: seraphic-devil.org

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Aragorn and Brego: Return of the King postcard - (278x400, 12kB)
Frodo: Return of the King Postcards - (400x278, 14kB)
Sam and Frodo: Return of the King Postcards - (278x400, 18kB)
Aragorn and Brego: Return of the King postcard - New Line Cinema/Ringer Spy Janine Frodo: Return of the King Postcards - New Line Cinema/Ringer Spy Janine Sam and Frodo: Return of the King Postcards - New Line Cinema/Ringer Spy Janine
Legolas: Return of the King Postcards - (278x400, 13kB)
Legolas: Return of the King Postcards - (278x400, 11kB)
John Noble speaks! - (800x600, 68kB)
Legolas: Return of the King Postcards - New Line Cinema/Ringer Spy Janine Legolas: Return of the King Postcards - New Line Cinema/Ringer Spy Janine John Noble speaks! - The Fellowship Festival/Ringer Spy Janine
Bernard Hill speaks! - (800x600, 71kB)
Karl Urban, up close and personal - (800x600, 94kB)
Gino Acevedo at work - (800x600, 97kB)
Bernard Hill speaks! - The Fellowship Festival/Ringer Spy Janine Karl Urban, up close and personal - The Fellowship Festival/Ringer Spy Janine Gino Acevedo at work - The Fellowship Festival/Ringer Spy Janine
I found a foot! - (800x600, 104kB)
Needs more brown there.... - (800x600, 89kB)
Lovely, umm... eyes - (800x600, 125kB)
I found a foot! - The Fellowship Festival/Ringer Spy Janine Needs more brown there.... - The Fellowship Festival/Ringer Spy Janine Lovely, umm... eyes - The Fellowship Festival/Ringer Spy Janine
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TORn Classic
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