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Background 'Rivendell' by Ted Nasmith

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TORn Classic: Sources "R":
Ringer Spy DiTcH
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Wellington Cave Troll Looms Over Embassy Theatre - (800x600, 71kB)
Wellington Embassy Theatre - (600x800, 74kB)
Wellington Cave Troll Looms...Run!!! - (600x800, 64kB)
Wellington Cave Troll Looms Over Embassy Theatre - Ringer Spy DiTcH/Ringer Spy DiTcH Wellington Embassy Theatre - Ringer Spy DiTcH/Ringer Spy DiTcH Wellington Cave Troll Looms...Run!!! - Ringer Spy DiTcH/Ringer Spy DiTcH
Billy Boyd at the Wellington FOTR Premiere - (800x600, 91kB)
Numenorean Guards at the Wellington Premiere - (800x600, 42kB)
Hugo Weaving arrives at the Wellington FOTR Premiere - (800x600, 74kB)
Billy Boyd at the Wellington FOTR Premiere - FoTR Wellington Premiere 2001/Ringer Spy DiTcH Numenorean Guards at the Wellington Premiere - FoTR Wellington Premiere 2001/Ringer Spy DiTcH Hugo Weaving arrives at the Wellington FOTR Premiere - FoTR Wellington Premiere 2001/Ringer Spy DiTcH
Lawrence Makoare arrives at the Wellington FOTR Premiere - (800x600, 73kB)
Orlando Bloom arrives at the Wellington FOTR Premiere - (800x600, 64kB)
Orlando Bloom at the Wellington FOTR Premiere - (800x600, 102kB)
Lawrence Makoare arrives at the Wellington FOTR Premiere - FoTR Wellington Premiere 2001/Ringer Spy DiTcH Orlando Bloom arrives at the Wellington FOTR Premiere - FoTR Wellington Premiere 2001/Ringer Spy DiTcH Orlando Bloom at the Wellington FOTR Premiere - FoTR Wellington Premiere 2001/Ringer Spy DiTcH
JUMBO Orlando at the Wellington FOTR Premiere - (800x600, 139kB)
Orlando Bloom Greets the Crowds at the Wellington FOTR Premiere - (800x600, 83kB)
The fearsome Nazgul attend the Wellington FOTR Premiere - (800x600, 78kB)
JUMBO Orlando at the Wellington FOTR Premiere - FoTR Wellington Premiere 2001/Ringer Spy DiTcH Orlando Bloom Greets the Crowds at the Wellington FOTR Premiere - FoTR Wellington Premiere 2001/Ringer Spy DiTcH The fearsome Nazgul attend the Wellington FOTR Premiere - FoTR Wellington Premiere 2001/Ringer Spy DiTcH
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