TORn Classic:
Sources "P":
Source "Paul Comte":
MasterWorks Associates' Cave Troll and Ent Statues! |
MasterWorks Associates' Cave Troll and Ent Statues! - Original: 682x909, 172kB |
Information: |
Paul Comte writes: I have these two sculptures I'd like to sell and am looking for avenues to sell them. This is an ent (as modeled after Treebeard in The Two Towers): created three-quarters size; about 6' wide, 30' tall and about 4' deep. They were created for a youth camp in the Pacific Northwest called Island Lake Camp, located in Poulsbo, WA. Now that the summer camp season is over, they are up for sale. All copyrights have been approved by New Line Cinema and all proceeds will go to the camp. Based on professional assessment each are valued at about $5000.00. The price includes transportation and installation to designated location (unless location has special requirements). At this time to make room for other projects, I'd be willing to hear best offer for each or the set. Please contact: Paul Comte Art Director MasterWorks Associates 360.394.4300 ex.132 pcomte@MasterWorksAssociates.com |
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This image is part of the group MasterWorks Associates' Cave Troll and Ent Statues!. |
For related images, see also the Treebeard, Other Events and Other Merchandise sections. |
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