TORn Classic:
Other Press:
Gandalf - Illustrated by Greg Horn |
Gandalf - Illustrated by Greg Horn - 536x555, 69kB |
Information: |
'Gandalf' Illustrated for PCGamer magazine "The deadline for the Lord of the Rings projects was rough--one week. So, I decided to start with Gandalf first as I figured I could complete a close-up shot the quickest. the only thing I was unsure of was how to show his magic capabilities. In the movies, Gandalf does not always have a visible magic effect (thank goodness!), but sometimes just a slight electric arc can be seen when he is skewering the Balrog on the mountaintop. So, we decided to go with an electric effect as opposed to our initial thoughts of using fire. The only major edit to this piece was that I originally painted Gandalf with his sword-Glamdring, which was later changed to his trusty staff." - Greg Horn Read the Interview with Greg Horn. [Click Here] Greg Horn's Official website: http://www.greghornjudge.com/ |
Further Navigation: |
This image is part of the group Exclusive Images from Greg Horn. |
For related images, see also the Other Press, Magazines, Gandalf and Return of the King sections. |
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