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KONG: KING OF SKULL ISLAND - Original: 1032x658, 148kB http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/159582006X/qid=1099873787/theoneringnet |
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Advance praise for KONG: King of Skull Island has been pouring in. Ray Bradbury says, "Anyone who loves King Kong with Carl Denham and Ann Darrow in 1933 and hated DeLaurentis' 1976 remake cannot but help love this new Kong book. Bravo!" Arnie Fenner of Spectrum Fantastic Art says "The word ‘epic’ gets tossed around pretty casually these days, but in the case of KONG: King of Skull Island it is more than appropriate. Joe DeVito has taken the classic story we're all familiar with and looked at it from a fresh and excitingly new direction... KONG: KING OF SKULL ISLAND is the first--and for my money, only--addition to the Kong myth that does the original proud." |
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