TORn Classic:
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King Kong:
Kong Sculpt Needs Your Help! |
Kong Sculpt Needs Your Help! - 375x500, 41kB |
Information: |
Scott writes: WE NEED AN IMMEDIATE MODELMAKER to work on a KING KONG TRIBUTE SCULPTURE. Please see photo. The white understructure that Kong is standing on is made of a dense spongy foam. The dome of the Empire Sate bldg needs to be fashioned over top of this "armature". By heating , curving and laying down plastic, wood, whatever might work in order to accomplish the look of the dome. Naturally the details - such as the collar at the top, the portholes, the rivets, the vertical 3 layered ribs would have to be included along with the spire on top. E-mail Scott Essman immediately - needs to be done by February 20. We are in Southern California - item is too large to ship outside of LA, Ventura, Orange counties. E-Mail: scottessman@yahoo.com Phone: 626-963-0635 Sculptor: Brent Armstrong |
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For related images, see also the Other Merchandise and Kong Wallpaper sections. |
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