TORn Classic:
The Two Towers:
The Map of Tolkien's Númenor |
The Map of Tolkien's Númenor - Original: 1342x1200, 316kB |
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The Map of Tolkien's Númenor from "The Maps of Tolkien's Middle-Earth" by Brian Sibley & John Howe Thorongil reports: After getting my hands on "The Maps of Tolkien's Middle-Earth" I couldnt help but be impressed with the beautiful artwork that adorns the outside of the boxed slip cover. You are peering out of Bilbo's front door, looking at his beloved Shire. "The Maps of Tolkien's Middle-Earth", is Houghton Mifflin's latest Tolkien offering. As the title implies, it is a collection of four maps of Middle Earth beautifuly painted by John Howe and an accompanying 80 page hardcover book by Tolkien expert Brian Sibley. The Sibley book consists of four separate chapters; Wilderland, Middle Earth, Beleriand and Numenor, each describing how the maps were originated by Tolkien. Sibley also gives us insightful information on how "The Hobbit"," The Lord of the Rings" and "The Silmarillion" came to be. There are wonderful full color and black and white illustrations by John Howe to go along with descriptive accounts of each name that appears on the maps. Each map is 28" in length and 28" in width. The borders of these maps include some of Howe's best Tolkien artwork. I will most likely frame them, but you can use it to follow along with Frodo and Gandalf as they travel in Middle Earth or you can see where Turgon's hidden realm of Gondolin is located as you read the Silmarillion. Whichever way you use the maps, it is a fine addition to any Tolkien collection! I am glad I have one and if you are a big Tolkien collector like myself, you will want to go grab yours now too, or put it on your Holiday wish list!!!! [Order at Amazon.com] |
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This image is part of the group The Maps of Tolkien's Middle-Earth. |
For related images, see also the Fellowship of the Ring, The Two Towers, Return of the King, Merchandise and Books sections. |
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