TORn Classic:
Sets & Filming Locations:
Merry and Pippin beside Oliphaunt |
Merry and Pippin beside Oliphaunt - Original: 1204x864, 483kB |
Information: |
This image shows Merry and Pippin on the ground next to a felled Oliphaunt. This is obviously something from the battle of the Pelennor Fields. The image first appeared on a LiveJournal.com thread called 'lotrboys_daily' and was scanned by Emiloy. The original thread says: "I got the new Studio mag today and it had a bit on lotr with a pic of Merry and PIppin that I've seen nowhere before, and I've looked, I'm putting it behind LJ cut 'cos of spoiler and well it's big and might take a while to download, sorry If I'm breaking any rules here.." Because of the intense burden a direct link would place on the LiveJournal board, please copy and paste the following url to see the entire thread: http://www.livejournal.com/community/lotrboys_daily/89445.html#cutid1 Thanks to Ringer Paladin for the heads up! |
Further Navigation: |
This image is not part of a group. |
For related images, see also the Return of the King, Merry, Pippin, Minas Tirith and Pelennor Fields sections. |
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