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Background 'Rivendell' by Ted Nasmith

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TORn Classic: Movies: Sets & Filming Locations:
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FoxTrot Goes Geek - (600x423, 97kB)
The Bucklebury Ferry Miniature Environment - Side View 2 - (800x421, 50kB)
The Bucklebury Ferry Miniature Environment - Side View 1 - (800x425, 55kB)
FoxTrot Goes Geek - Bill Amend/Ringer Spy Bumbling Elf The Bucklebury Ferry Miniature Environment - Side View 2 - Sideshow/Weta/Sideshow/Weta The Bucklebury Ferry Miniature Environment - Side View 1 - Sideshow/Weta/Sideshow/Weta
The Bucklebury Ferry Miniature Environment - Front View - (800x699, 87kB)
The Bucklebury Ferry Miniature Environment - (800x606, 75kB)
Hercules Set - (800x529, 88kB)
The Bucklebury Ferry Miniature Environment - Front View - Sideshow/WETA/Sideshow/WETA The Bucklebury Ferry Miniature Environment - Sideshow/Weta/Sideshow/Weta Hercules Set - Narnia Movie/TORn Staffer Tehanu
Hercules Set - (800x452, 81kB)
Anrion - (600x800, 96kB)
Comic-Con 2004 ROTK:EE DVD SET PICS! - (480x360, 30kB)
Hercules Set - Narnia Movie/TORn Staffer Tehanu Anrion - Ringer Spy Elfriend Comic-Con 2004 ROTK:EE DVD SET PICS! - elfenomeno.com
Comic-Con 2004 ROTK:EE DVD SET PICS! - (326x243, 18kB)
Comic-Con 2004 ROTK:EE DVD SET PICS! - (326x243, 19kB)
Comic-Con 2004 ROTK:EE DVD SET PICS! - (326x243, 19kB)
Comic-Con 2004 ROTK:EE DVD SET PICS! - Sideshow/WETA/Ringer Spy Adam Comic-Con 2004 ROTK:EE DVD SET PICS! - Sideshow/WETA/Ringer Spy Adam Comic-Con 2004 ROTK:EE DVD SET PICS! - Sideshow/WETA/Ringer Spy Adam
Comic-Con 2004 ROTK:EE DVD SET PICS! - (326x243, 20kB)
Comic-Con 2004 ROTK:EE DVD SET PICS! - (326x243, 21kB)
Comic-Con 2004 ROTK:EE DVD SET PICS! - (326x243, 20kB)
Comic-Con 2004 ROTK:EE DVD SET PICS! - Sideshow/WETA/Ringer Spy Adam Comic-Con 2004 ROTK:EE DVD SET PICS! - Sideshow/WETA/Ringer Spy Adam Comic-Con 2004 ROTK:EE DVD SET PICS! - Sideshow/WETA/Ringer Spy Adam
Comic-Con 2004 ROTK:EE DVD SET PICS! - (326x243, 20kB)
Comic-Con 2004 ROTK:EE DVD SET PICS! - (326x243, 22kB)
Comic-Con 2004 ROTK:EE DVD SET PICS! - (326x243, 25kB)
Comic-Con 2004 ROTK:EE DVD SET PICS! - Sideshow/WETA/Ringer Spy Adam Comic-Con 2004 ROTK:EE DVD SET PICS! - Sideshow/WETA/Ringer Spy Adam Comic-Con 2004 ROTK:EE DVD SET PICS! - Sideshow/WETA/Ringer Spy Adam
Comic-Con 2004 ROTK:EE DVD SET PICS! - (326x243, 21kB)
The Best Place on Any Earth, page 4 - (180x800, 61kB)
The Best Place on Any Earth, page 3 - (800x341, 120kB)
Comic-Con 2004 ROTK:EE DVD SET PICS! - Sideshow/WETA/Ringer Spy Adam The Best Place on Any Earth, page 4 - The Washington Post/Ringer Spy Isembard Took The Best Place on Any Earth, page 3 - The Washington Post/Ringer Spy Isembard Took
The Best Place on Any Earth, page 2 - (800x733, 227kB)
The Best Place on Any Earth, page 1 - (559x800, 131kB)
John Howe Barad-Dr Gicle and Filmstrip Collectible - (755x800, 87kB)
The Best Place on Any Earth, page 2 - The Washington Post/Ringer Spy Isembard Took The Best Place on Any Earth, page 1 - The Washington Post/Ringer Spy Isembard Took John Howe Barad-Dr Gicle and Filmstrip Collectible - Sideshow/WETA
McKellen's ADR From The Grey Havens - (580x800, 63kB)
Skull With Helmet - (640x480, 27kB)
Skulls On The Paths Of The Dead - (640x480, 27kB)
McKellen's ADR From The Grey Havens - McKellen.com Skull With Helmet - TheOneRing.net Spy Skulls On The Paths Of The Dead - TheOneRing.net Spy
Smeagol/Gollum Debates - (800x451, 35kB)
Theoden And Eowyn - (800x330, 48kB)
Gimli Sits Near His Tent - (800x533, 90kB)
Smeagol/Gollum Debates - New Line Cinema Theoden And Eowyn - New Line Cinema Gimli Sits Near His Tent - New Line Cinema
Sam In Ithilien - (800x532, 81kB)
Aragorn Challenges The Dead - (800x536, 64kB)
Theoden Rallies The Rohirrim - (800x536, 86kB)
Sam In Ithilien - New Line Cinema Aragorn Challenges The Dead - New Line Cinema Theoden Rallies The Rohirrim - New Line Cinema
Eomer At Dunharrow - (800x533, 46kB)
Eowyn At Dunharrow - (800x539, 59kB)
Aragorn Prepares To Ride - (800x539, 75kB)
Eomer At Dunharrow - New Line Cinema Eowyn At Dunharrow - New Line Cinema Aragorn Prepares To Ride - New Line Cinema
Peter Jackson Talks With Bernard Hill - (800x689, 107kB)
Thousands Of Skulls - (800x531, 78kB)
Viggo Readies For the Paths Of The Dead - (800x527, 53kB)
Peter Jackson Talks With Bernard Hill - New Line Cinema Thousands Of Skulls - New Line Cinema/Cinematrix Viggo Readies For the Paths Of The Dead - New Line Cinema/Cinematrix
Action At Dunharrow - (800x535, 97kB)
Peter Jackson And John Rhys-Davies - (800x535, 86kB)
Armour Of The Dead - (800x534, 103kB)
Action At Dunharrow - New Line Cinema/Cinematrix Peter Jackson And John Rhys-Davies - New Line Cinema/Cinematrix Armour Of The Dead - New Line Cinema/Cinematrix
A Field Of Skulls - (800x531, 98kB)
Cinefex Talks ROTK Special Effects - (800x340, 81kB)
Cinefex Talks ROTK Special Effects - (800x704, 139kB)
A Field Of Skulls - New Line Cinema/Cinematrix Cinefex Talks ROTK Special Effects - Cinefex Magazine/Ringer Spy Frodosam Cinefex Talks ROTK Special Effects - Cinefex Magazine/Ringer Spy frodosam
Inside The Putangirua Pinnacles - (600x800, 81kB)
Inside The Putangirua Pinnacles - (600x800, 121kB)
Inside The Putangirua Pinnacles - (800x600, 84kB)
Inside The Putangirua Pinnacles - TORn Staffer Demosthenes Inside The Putangirua Pinnacles - TORn Staffer Demosthenes Inside The Putangirua Pinnacles - TORn Staffer Demosthenes
Inside The Putangirua Pinnacles - (600x800, 130kB)
Inside The Putangirua Pinnacles - (600x800, 118kB)
Inside The Putangirua Pinnacles - (600x800, 79kB)
Inside The Putangirua Pinnacles - TORn Staffer Demosthenes Inside The Putangirua Pinnacles - TORn Staffer Demosthenes Inside The Putangirua Pinnacles - TORn Staffer Demosthenes
Putangirua Pinnacles From Streambed - (800x600, 116kB)
Putangirua Pinnacles From Streambed - (800x600, 84kB)
Putangirua Pinnacles From Streambed - (800x600, 136kB)
Putangirua Pinnacles From Streambed - TORn Staffer Demosthenes Putangirua Pinnacles From Streambed - TORn Staffer Demosthenes Putangirua Pinnacles From Streambed - TORn Staffer Demosthenes
More Bag End Props - (800x600, 105kB)
Bag End Display at Airport - (800x600, 86kB)
Return of the King PC Game Movie Footage - Remains of the Dead - (640x480, 27kB)
More Bag End Props - Ringer Spy Pippin Skywalker Bag End Display at Airport - Ringer Spy Pippin Skywalker Return of the King PC Game Movie Footage - Remains of the Dead - Ringer Spy Angela
Return of the King PC Game Movie Footage - Paths of the Dead - (640x480, 42kB)
Media Watch: X-Pose Magazine - (581x800, 110kB)
The Corsair Ships - (436x255, 8kB)
Return of the King PC Game Movie Footage - Paths of the Dead - Ringer Spy Angela Media Watch: X-Pose Magazine - X-Pose Magazine/Ringer Spy Lee The Corsair Ships - Electronic Arts/Elbakin.com
Cinema Magazine Talks ROTK - (609x800, 122kB)
Cinema Magazine Talks ROTK - (609x800, 125kB)
Dunharrow Plateau - (392x556, 34kB)
Cinema Magazine Talks ROTK - Cinema Magazine/Ringer Spy Owl Lover Cinema Magazine Talks ROTK - Cinema Magazine/Ringer Spy Owl Lover Dunharrow Plateau - Decipher/Ringer Spy Paul
Wind In His Face - (392x556, 33kB)
Sam's Desperation - (800x513, 77kB)
Aragorn and Legolas - (500x586, 70kB)
Wind In His Face - Decipher/Ringer Spy Paul Sam's Desperation - Houghton Mifflin/Ringer Spy Elflady Aragorn and Legolas - Houghton Mifflin/Ringer Spy Elflady
Merry and Pippin - (800x538, 128kB)
Merry and Pippin at Treebeard's home - (800x532, 86kB)
Return to Rivendell Guided Tour - (800x600, 195kB)
Merry and Pippin - New Line Cinema/Calisuri Merry and Pippin at Treebeard's home - New Line Cinema/Calisuri Return to Rivendell Guided Tour - Amanda Cox
Gorbag and Whip - (546x702, 80kB)
The King has a Crown Again - (412x402, 82kB)
Winged Nazgul above the Dead Marshes - (415x280, 26kB)
Gorbag and Whip - Houghton Mifflin/Ringer Spy Bellerophon The King has a Crown Again - Houghton Mifflin/Ringer Spy Bellerophon Winged Nazgul above the Dead Marshes - Houghton Mifflin/Ringer Spy Bellerophon
Frodo and Sam at the Crossroads - (607x800, 111kB)
Aragorn at the entrance of the Paths of the Dead - (418x484, 45kB)
Paths of the Dead - (268x800, 67kB)
Frodo and Sam at the Crossroads - Houghton Mifflin/Ringer Spy Bellerophon Aragorn at the entrance of the Paths of the Dead - Houghton Mifflin/Ringer Spy Bellerophon Paths of the Dead - Houghton Mifflin/Ringer Spy Bellerophon
Sam Attacks Gorbag! - (800x585, 138kB)
The Entrance to the Paths of the Dead - (800x467, 93kB)
Amazing Crossroads Image! - (769x800, 143kB)
Sam Attacks Gorbag! - Houghton Mifflin/Ringer Spy Bellerophon The Entrance to the Paths of the Dead - Houghton Mifflin/Ringer Spy Bellerophon Amazing Crossroads Image! - Official LOTR Magazine/Ringer Spy Elf Lady
Glenorchy Air Photo Essay - (800x533, 113kB)
Glenorchy Air Photo Essay - (800x533, 73kB)
Glenorchy Air Photo Essay - (800x533, 86kB)
Glenorchy Air Photo Essay - Glenorchy Air Glenorchy Air Photo Essay - Glenorchy Air Glenorchy Air Photo Essay - Glenorchy Air
Glenorchy Air Photo Essay - (800x533, 84kB)
Glenorchy Air Photo Essay - (800x533, 111kB)
Glenorchy Air Photo Essay - (800x533, 116kB)
Glenorchy Air Photo Essay - Glenorchy Air Glenorchy Air Photo Essay - Glenorchy Air Glenorchy Air Photo Essay - Glenorchy Air
Glenorchy Air Photo Essay - (800x533, 141kB)
Glenorchy Air Photo Essay - (800x533, 122kB)
Peter tutors Samwise Gamgee - Studio Magazine - (581x800, 161kB)
Glenorchy Air Photo Essay - Glenorchy Air Glenorchy Air Photo Essay - Glenorchy Air Peter tutors Samwise Gamgee - Studio Magazine - Studio Magazine/Ringer Marie
New Edition of Bestselling 'The Lord of the Rings Location Guide Book' - (517x800, 103kB)
7-Up in Middle-earth - (640x361, 55kB)
Faramir at the River Anduin - (800x500, 68kB)
New Edition of Bestselling 'The Lord of the Rings Location Guide Book' - Ian Brodie 7-Up in Middle-earth - 7-Up Art Faramir at the River Anduin - New Line Home Entertainment/Ringer Elwen
Faramir speaks with Frodo - (800x500, 77kB)
Frodo speaks to Faramir - (800x500, 72kB)
Treebeard carries Merry and Pippin - (800x500, 93kB)
Faramir speaks with Frodo - New Line Home Entertainment/Ringer Elwen Frodo speaks to Faramir - New Line Home Entertainment/Ringer Elwen Treebeard carries Merry and Pippin - New Line Home Entertainment/Ringer Elwen
The Huorns March - (800x500, 86kB)
Sam Yells for Frodo - (800x500, 86kB)
Frodo falls - (800x500, 65kB)
The Huorns March - New Line Home Entertainment/Ringer Elwen Sam Yells for Frodo - New Line Home Entertainment/Ringer Elwen Frodo falls - New Line Home Entertainment/Ringer Elwen
Frodo Slips! - (800x500, 98kB)
Frodo looks down into the Abyss - (800x500, 70kB)
Frodo and Sam Climb down a Cliff - (800x500, 79kB)
Frodo Slips! - New Line Home Entertainment/Ringer Elwen Frodo looks down into the Abyss - New Line Home Entertainment/Ringer Elwen Frodo and Sam Climb down a Cliff - New Line Home Entertainment/Ringer Elwen
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TORn Classic
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