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Set Design:
Wingate Set |
Wingate Set - 347x499, 55kB |
Information: |
They have started building a new set out at Wingate-just like I said-but it has nothing to do with Rivendell, at lest not as far as I can tell. I got some pic's of it, its not much built yet but I still love the picture and reackon you should post it on the site because everyone will spend hours pondering over what it might be-I certainly have no idea-nut I can say that up close its obvious that the big spiky wheel is ment to turn because all the cogs and little dohickys that you find on wheels are all there. I think it must be in water, that is what they had on this set the last time they were filming there. (these are parts from the flooded Isengard-set -leo 2003) |
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