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RingCon Germany 2003 |
RingCon Germany 2003 - 740x492, 83kB |
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In November 2003 Irascan wrote: RingCon 2003 got off to a spectacular start yesterday with an opening show that topped even last year’s jaw-droppiing performance. Lectures covering the gamut of Tolkien subjects (“Sex in Middle-earth” or “Lord of the Ear-rings” anyone?) and a set of panels that took audience participation to a whole new level (Bruce Hopkins leading the Rohan around the theatre making Monty Python-esque clip-clopping horse noises had to be seen to be believed, as did Craig Parker and Mark Ferguson’s impro show that had members of the audience controlling their bodies and putting them into some very funny positions that may or may not be in the Kama Sutra). Most attendees partied away to the small hours and the massive “headache” I have this morning (it is still morning – just) tells me I must have had a good time ;-) ! The world’s biggest and best Lord of the Rings fan event got off to a raucous start and there’s still two days to go – I have no idea how I’m going to survive! Craig Parker calls this “the best convention there is” and he’s been to a few. Day tickets are still available for the last two days (Saturday and Sunday) and John Rhys-Davies (Gimli) arrives today. If you live in Germany and you’re waivering, come on down. |
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