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New Edition of Bestselling 'The Lord of the Rings Location Guide Book' |
New Edition of Bestselling 'The Lord of the Rings Location Guide Book' - Original: 1008x1559, 233kB |
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When The Lord of the Rings Location Guidebook by Ian Brodie was released in November 2002, to coincide with the worldwide film release of The Lord of the Rings: Two Towers, it went straight onto the bestseller chart, and sold an astounding 75,000 copies in New Zealand and Australia alone in its first five months. The book enjoyed 18 weeks at No 1 on the New Zealand Bestseller List and by September 2003 has sold a phenomenal 90,000 copies. Now publishers HarperCollins Publishers (NZ) are delighted to announce that on Friday 7 November the much awaited The Lord of the Rings Location Guidebook New Edition will be launched in New Zealand. The New Edition contains images and details of not only the first two movies, but also the also the third and final movie, The Return of the King. The new edition contains an extra 32 pages and in addition to the new locations there are features written by Peter Jackson, Richard Taylor, Alan Lee and Barrie Osborne. The Two Towers locations have also been rewritten to accurately reflect the final film. |
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For related images, see also the Gandalf, Aragorn, Gimli, Legolas, Other Sets & Locs and Books sections. |
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