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Background 'Rivendell' by Ted Nasmith

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King Elendil & The Sport of Kings - (718x800, 209kB)
More DragonCon 2006 Photos - (800x599, 88kB)
More DragonCon 2006 Photos - (800x600, 88kB)
King Elendil & The Sport of Kings - Ringer Spy Ataahua More DragonCon 2006 Photos - Dragon*Con 2006/Ringer Spy Celebriel More DragonCon 2006 Photos - Dragon*Con 2006/Ashlee & Rachel Scott
DragonCon: Day 1 - (800x600, 82kB)
ORC: The One Ring Celebration - (800x582, 114kB)
ORC: Friday Photos - (729x800, 117kB)
DragonCon: Day 1 - Ashlee & Rachel Scott/Ashlee & Rachel Scott ORC: The One Ring Celebration - ORC: The One Ring Celebration 2005/Various ORC Attendees ORC: Friday Photos - Ringer Spy Celebriel
Armageddon Convention in New Zealand - (254x340, 39kB)
None shall pass! - (800x600, 66kB)
'Thomas... I am your father...' - (800x600, 76kB)
Armageddon Convention in New Zealand - Armageddon Expo Wellington 2004 None shall pass! - Ring*Con 2004/TORn Staffer Leo 'Thomas... I am your father...' - Ring*Con 2004/TORn Staffer Leo
Thomas Makoare and Lawrence Robins on stage - (800x600, 68kB)
'What's that I see..' - (800x600, 66kB)
Thomas Robins on stage - (800x600, 67kB)
Thomas Makoare and Lawrence Robins on stage - Ring*Con 2004/TORn Staffer Leo 'What's that I see..' - Ring*Con 2004/TORn Staffer Leo Thomas Robins on stage - Ring*Con 2004/TORn Staffer Leo
Mark Ferguson and Craig Parker on stage - (800x600, 78kB)
Mark Ferguson enters an iglo - (800x600, 89kB)
'I knight you Sir Mark...' - (800x600, 72kB)
Mark Ferguson and Craig Parker on stage - Ring*Con 2004/TORn Staffer Leo Mark Ferguson enters an iglo - Ring*Con 2004/TORn Staffer Leo 'I knight you Sir Mark...' - Ring*Con 2004/TORn Staffer Leo
Opening ceremony: stars on stage - (800x600, 93kB)
Opening ceremony: Bernard Hill - (800x600, 79kB)
Opening ceremony introductions - (800x600, 75kB)
Opening ceremony: stars on stage - Ring*Con 2004/TORn Staffer Leo Opening ceremony: Bernard Hill - Ring*Con 2004/TORn Staffer Leo Opening ceremony introductions - Ring*Con 2004/TORn Staffer Leo
Paul Norell receives a question from the audiance - (800x600, 93kB)
Premiere Magazine Features Viggo's Photos - (677x800, 121kB)
Premiere Magazine Features Viggo's Photos - (675x800, 125kB)
Paul Norell receives a question from the audiance - Ring*Con 2004/TORn Staffer Leo Premiere Magazine Features Viggo's Photos - Premiere Magazine/Ringer Spy Roheryn Premiere Magazine Features Viggo's Photos - Premiere Magazine/Ringer Spy Roheryn
Collectormania 6 Images - (800x536, 92kB)
Collectormania 6 Images - (800x527, 85kB)
Collectormania 6 Images - (800x542, 83kB)
Collectormania 6 Images - Collectormania 6/Ringer Spy Cheshire Cat Collectormania 6 Images - Collectormania 6/Ringer Spy Cheshire Cat Collectormania 6 Images - Collectormania 6/Ringer Spy Cheshire Cat
Collectormania 6 Images - (800x527, 53kB)
Armageddon 2004 Wellington, New Zealand - (734x551, 70kB)
Armageddon 2004 Wellington, New Zealand - (734x551, 91kB)
Collectormania 6 Images - Collectormania 6/Ringer Spy Cheshire Cat Armageddon 2004 Wellington, New Zealand - Ringer Spy Myke Armageddon 2004 Wellington, New Zealand - Ringer Spy Myke
Sarah Mcleod! - (800x600, 89kB)
Closing ceremony - (800x600, 75kB)
Mark Ferguson and the box-man - (400x300, 18kB)
Sarah Mcleod! - The Fellowship Festival/Ringer Spy Janine Closing ceremony - The Fellowship Festival/Ringer Spy Janine Mark Ferguson and the box-man - The Fellowship Festival/Ringer Spy Nadine
Don't try this at home... - (400x300, 24kB)
More stunt demonstrating - (400x300, 35kB)
Lay still! - (400x300, 32kB)
Don't try this at home... - The Fellowship Festival/Ringer Spy Nadine More stunt demonstrating - The Fellowship Festival/Ringer Spy Nadine Lay still! - The Fellowship Festival/Ringer Spy Nadine
Stunt Demonstration! - (400x300, 26kB)
Gimli takes out Lawrence Makoare! - (800x600, 160kB)
The infamous radioplay! - (567x404, 48kB)
Stunt Demonstration! - The Fellowship Festival/Ringer Spy Nadine Gimli takes out Lawrence Makoare! - The Fellowship Festival/Ringer Spy Gina The infamous radioplay! - The Fellowship Festival/Ringer Spy Cati
Fellowship Festival 2004 - (750x563, 105kB)
Fellowship Festival 2004 - (750x563, 110kB)
Fellowship Festival 2004 - (750x563, 87kB)
Fellowship Festival 2004 - The Fellowship Festival Fellowship Festival 2004 - The Fellowship Festival Fellowship Festival 2004 - The Fellowship Festival
Fellowship Festival 2004 - (750x563, 68kB)
Fellowship Festival 2004 - (750x563, 72kB)
Fellowship Festival 2004 - (750x563, 51kB)
Fellowship Festival 2004 - The Fellowship Festival Fellowship Festival 2004 - The Fellowship Festival Fellowship Festival 2004 - The Fellowship Festival
Fellowship Festival 2004 - (750x563, 88kB)
Bruce Allpress - (252x360, 24kB)
Collectormania 2004 Images - (800x600, 68kB)
Fellowship Festival 2004 - The Fellowship Festival Bruce Allpress - http://www.talentonline.co.nz/asp/Build Talent Profile.asp?tolid=ba0830 Collectormania 2004 Images - Collectormania 2004
Collectormania 2004 Images - (800x600, 60kB)
Collectormania 2004 Images - (800x600, 78kB)
My Uncle, The Orc - (530x455, 70kB)
Collectormania 2004 Images - Collectormania 2004 Collectormania 2004 Images - Collectormania 2004 My Uncle, The Orc - Ringer Spy Bekah
Jed Horse - (555x687, 29kB)
Jed Dance - (594x798, 64kB)
Jed Dance - (582x783, 54kB)
Jed Horse - Seattle RingCon 2004/Ringer Spy Ambushgsd Jed Dance - Seattle RingCon 2004/Ringer Spy Ambushgsd Jed Dance - Seattle RingCon 2004/Ringer Spy Ambushgsd
Warg Orders - (549x800, 87kB)
London Film And Comic Con Images - (480x87, 8kB)
London Film And Comic Con Images - (480x360, 19kB)
Warg Orders - Seattle RingCon 2004/Ringer Spy Ambushgsd London Film And Comic Con Images - London Film And Comic Con Images/Ringer Spy Charlie London Film And Comic Con Images - London Film And Comic Con Images/Ringer Spy Charlie
London Film And Comic Con Images - (360x480, 20kB)
London Film And Comic Con Images - (480x132, 9kB)
London Film And Comic Con Images - (360x480, 22kB)
London Film And Comic Con Images - London Film And Comic Con Images/Ringer Spy Charlie London Film And Comic Con Images - London Film And Comic Con Images/Ringer Spy Charlie London Film And Comic Con Images - London Film And Comic Con Images/Ringer Spy Charlie
EW's Leading Men Tally - (412x800, 98kB)
Woman's Day Magazine Talks Cate & ROTK - (581x800, 128kB)
Kieran Shah And Pippinskywalker At  the After Party - (711x800, 84kB)
EW's Leading Men Tally - Entertainment Weekly/Ringer Spy Roheryn Woman's Day Magazine Talks Cate & ROTK - Woman's Day Magazine/Ringer Spy Nessa Kieran Shah And Pippinskywalker At the After Party - Ringer Spy Pippin Skywalker
Memorabilia Con 2003 Images - (480x321, 28kB)
Memorabilia Con 2003 Images - (480x321, 27kB)
Memorabilia Con 2003 Images - (480x321, 27kB)
Memorabilia Con 2003 Images - Memorabilia Con 2003/Ringer Spy lorna Memorabilia Con 2003 Images - Memorabilia Con 2003/Ringer Spy lorna Memorabilia Con 2003 Images - Memorabilia Con 2003/Ringer Spy lorna
Memorabilia Con 2003 Images - (480x321, 32kB)
People Magazine Talks NZ ROTK Premiere - (800x523, 140kB)
Wellington Premiere Pictures - The Astin Family - (185x365, 10kB)
Memorabilia Con 2003 Images - Memorabilia Con 2003/Ringer Spy lorna People Magazine Talks NZ ROTK Premiere - People Magazine/Ringer Spy Time Warrior Wellington Premiere Pictures - The Astin Family - ROTK Premiere: Wellington/Wellington Ringer Spies
You Shall Not Pass! - (500x215, 28kB)
Movie Magic Inspires Dwarf Double - (640x793, 419kB)
Ring*Con 2003 Closing Ceremony! - (450x300, 12kB)
You Shall Not Pass! - New Line Cinema/TORn Staffer Leo Movie Magic Inspires Dwarf Double - Ringer Spy Glaurung Ring*Con 2003 Closing Ceremony! - Ringer Spy Walter
Ring*Con welcomes Mark Ferguson - (450x300, 8kB)
John Leigh Talks! - (450x300, 10kB)
Nathaniel Lees! - (450x300, 8kB)
Ring*Con welcomes Mark Ferguson - Ringer Spy Walter John Leigh Talks! - Ringer Spy Walter Nathaniel Lees! - Ringer Spy Walter
The Amazing John Leigh! - (300x450, 18kB)
More Tacoma RingCon Images - (800x524, 71kB)
More London Expo 2003 Images - (500x750, 40kB)
The Amazing John Leigh! - Ringer Spy Walter More Tacoma RingCon Images - RingCon in Tacoma More London Expo 2003 Images - London Expo 2003/Ringer Spy Rosamunde Brownlocks
More Collectormania 4 Images - Brent McIntyre - (608x740, 40kB)
More Collectormania 4 Goodness - Brent McIntyre - (467x426, 89kB)
The Best of Both Worlds LOTR Panel - (590x323, 51kB)
More Collectormania 4 Images - Brent McIntyre - Ringer Spy Cheshire Cat More Collectormania 4 Goodness - Brent McIntyre - Collectormania 2003/Ringer Spy Ahriell The Best of Both Worlds LOTR Panel - Best of Both Worlds/Ringer Spy samaranth
David Weatherley at Best of Both Worlds - (800x600, 81kB)
David Weatherley at Best of Both Worlds - (800x600, 83kB)
Sarah McLeod at Best of Both Worlds - (800x600, 79kB)
David Weatherley at Best of Both Worlds - Best of Both Worlds/Torn Staffer Demosthenes David Weatherley at Best of Both Worlds - Best of Both Worlds/Torn Staffer Demosthenes Sarah McLeod at Best of Both Worlds - Best of Both Worlds/Torn Staffer Demosthenes
Sarah McLeod at Best of Both Worlds - (800x600, 62kB)
Return of the King Images - (653x367, 28kB)
What Happens When FIGWIT Comes Over...Again? - (441x346, 99kB)
Sarah McLeod at Best of Both Worlds - Best of Both Worlds/Torn Staffer Demosthenes Return of the King Images - Ringer Spy Bryan What Happens When FIGWIT Comes Over...Again? - Ringer Spy Ahriell
What Happens When FIGWIT Comes Over...Again? - (426x381, 108kB)
What Happens When FIGWIT Comes Over...Again? - (377x355, 25kB)
What Happens When FIGWIT Comes Over...Again?</ - (636x391, 115kB)
What Happens When FIGWIT Comes Over...Again? - Ringer Spy Ahriell What Happens When FIGWIT Comes Over...Again? - Ringer Spy Ahriell What Happens When FIGWIT Comes Over...Again?Ringer Spy Ahriell
What Happens When FIGWIT Comes Over...Again?</ - (381x800, 146kB)
What Happens When FIGWIT Comes Over...Again?</ - (800x359, 99kB)
Smeagol/Gollum Transformation - (400x267, 24kB)
What Happens When FIGWIT Comes Over...Again?Ringer Spy Ahriell What Happens When FIGWIT Comes Over...Again?Ringer Spy Ahriell Smeagol/Gollum Transformation - New Line Cinema/Ringer Spy Kristoffer
Media Watch: Germany's 'Stern' Magazine - (800x526, 95kB)
TTT  Preview Edition - Page 105 - (566x800, 101kB)
Leo with Sarah McLeod and Cameron Rhodes - (740x493, 55kB)
Media Watch: Germany's 'Stern' Magazine - Stern Magazine/Ringer Spy Rubin TTT Preview Edition - Page 105 - Empire Magazine/Ringer Spy Dudley Leo with Sarah McLeod and Cameron Rhodes - RingCon 2002/Ringer Spy Irascian
RingCon 2002 Opening Night! - (740x493, 57kB)
Bret McKenzie Attends FOTR DVD Party - (800x600, 107kB)
Bret McKenzie Attends FOTR DVD Party - (800x600, 72kB)
RingCon 2002 Opening Night! - RingCon 2002/Ringer Spy Irascian Bret McKenzie Attends FOTR DVD Party - Ringer Spy Ahriell Bret McKenzie Attends FOTR DVD Party - Ringer Spy Ahriell
Bret McKenzie Attends FOTR DVD Party - (322x291, 26kB)
Bret McKenzie Attends FOTR DVD Party - (782x507, 89kB)
Bret McKenzie Attends FOTR DVD Party - (189x206, 13kB)
Bret McKenzie Attends FOTR DVD Party - Ringer Spy Ahriell Bret McKenzie Attends FOTR DVD Party - Ringer Spy Ahriell Bret McKenzie Attends FOTR DVD Party - Ringer Spy Ahriell
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TORn Classic
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