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Liv Tyler:
Pregnant Liv Tyler takes it easy in New York |
Pregnant Liv Tyler takes it easy in New York - 218x380, 27kB |
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Liv Tyler was a vision of a radiant-mom-to-be as she was out and about in New York on Wednesday. Although the Lord Of The Rings star was bundled-up in a loose-fitting coat as she took a stroll with friends, there was no missing her burgeoning bump. Liv and her husband rocker Royston Langdon, lead singer with the band Spacehog, are expecting their first child within a few weeks. The 27-year-old actress, who is best known for her role as the elf princess Arwen in the Rings trilogy, recently finished work on the indie-film Lonesome Jim. She's also been responsible for pumping new life into the Givenchy make-up line since becoming its face in 2003, but has decided to put both careers on hold while she concentrates on motherhood. |
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