TORn Classic:
King Kong Cometh |
King Kong Cometh - 370x500, 53kB http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/0859653625/qid=1129245601/theoneringnet |
Information: |
KING KONG COMETH pays homage to the colossal gorilla who has wreaked havoc on the silver screen since 1933. This vividly illustrated compendium traces the evolution of KING KONG, from his predecessors in the jungle-movie travelogues of the 1920's and 1930's to B-movies and American and Japanese spin-offs of the legendary motion picture. Highlights include the infamous faked "mondo movie" Ingagi, the influence of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's The Lost World, Edgar Wallace's "original" story, legendary animator Ray Harryhausen, scream queen Fay Wray, the impact of KONG on monster magazines of the fifties, sixties and seventies, Dino de Laurentis's remake of KING KONG in 1976 and, finally, the cinematic event of 2005 - Lord of the Rings director Peter Jackson's multimillion dollar remake of KING KONG. Offering the best new and vintage writings on KING KONG, his forebears, and his descendants, KING KONG COMETH provides monster coverage to satiate the avid KING KONG fan. Edited by Paul A. Woods for Britain's Plexus publications, and featuring participation by Kevin Brownlow and Steve Vertlieb, KING KONG COMETH will be published at Christmas in England and throughout the world. Both Kevin Brownlow and Steve Vertlieb have also contributed to Warner Bros. Home Video premiere DVD release of KING KONG coming from the studio on November 22nd. |
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