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Background 'Rivendell' by Ted Nasmith

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The Science Museum Exhibition
Browsing group's images 25 to 43 out of 43 (0.0ms).
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Lothlorien Jewellery - (600x800, 100kB)
Arwen's Blue-Grey Velvet Gown - (600x800, 93kB)
Arwen's 'Chase Gown' - (600x800, 80kB)
Lothlorien Jewellery - Science Museum in London/TORn Staffer Arathorn Arwen's Blue-Grey Velvet Gown - Science Museum in London/TORn Staffer Arathorn Arwen's 'Chase Gown' - Science Museum in London/TORn Staffer Arathorn
The Scrolls of Isildur - (800x600, 123kB)
The Scrolls of Isildur - (800x600, 128kB)
The Palantir - (800x600, 60kB)
The Scrolls of Isildur - Science Museum in London/TORn Staffer Arathorn The Scrolls of Isildur - Science Museum in London/TORn Staffer Arathorn The Palantir - Science Museum in London/TORn Staffer Arathorn
The Backpacks of Sam and... Sam! - (800x600, 105kB)
The Forced Perspective Photo Opportunity! - (800x600, 79kB)
Gandalf's Cart split asunder. - (800x600, 54kB)
The Backpacks of Sam and... Sam! - Science Museum in London/TORn Staffer Arathorn The Forced Perspective Photo Opportunity! - Science Museum in London/TORn Staffer Arathorn Gandalf's Cart split asunder. - Science Museum in London/TORn Staffer Arathorn
WETA Workshop Prosthetics - (800x600, 138kB)
Leo and the Cave Troll - (800x600, 65kB)
Treebeard - (600x800, 91kB)
WETA Workshop Prosthetics - Science Museum in London/TORn Staffer Arathorn Leo and the Cave Troll - Science Museum in London/TORn Staffer Arathorn Treebeard - Science Museum in London/TORn Staffer Arathorn
Leo and Treebeard. - (600x800, 89kB)
Frodo's Mithril Coat & Sting - (800x600, 124kB)
Frodo's Costume. - (600x800, 62kB)
Leo and Treebeard. - Science Museum in London/TORn Staffer Arathorn Frodo's Mithril Coat & Sting - Science Museum in London/TORn Staffer Arathorn Frodo's Costume. - Science Museum in London/TORn Staffer Arathorn
Aragorn's Costume. - (600x800, 89kB)
Richard Taylor is really Saruman? - (521x800, 120kB)
Find the halflings! - (520x800, 138kB)
Aragorn's Costume. - Science Museum in London/TORn Staffer Arathorn Richard Taylor is really Saruman? - Science Museum in London/Science Museum in London Find the halflings! - Science Museum in London/Science Museum in London
I found a halfling! - (485x800, 134kB)
I found a halfling! - Science Museum in London/Science Museum in London
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