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Background 'Rivendell' by Ted Nasmith

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Dragon*Con 2003 Kids Pictures!
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Group Description:
Tolkien's Middle-earth Fan Track had a special session just for kids this year... One of the things they got to do was draw pictures about The Hobbit or The Lord of the Rings. Some kids wanted to take their pictures home with them, but here are the pictures drawn by some very talented kids who wanted to share with everyone!
Group dated 11st Sept 2003.

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Aspasia, Lawrenceville. GA - (800x581, 88kB)
Daniel, age 7, McLean, VA - (581x800, 115kB)
Anonymous - (800x581, 95kB)
Aspasia, Lawrenceville. GA - Dragon*Con 2003/jincey Daniel, age 7, McLean, VA - Dragon*Con 2003/jincey Anonymous - Dragon*Con 2003/jincey
Ethan, North Carolina - (800x619, 113kB)
Katrina, age 2 1/2, Birmingham, AL - (800x581, 102kB)
Kyle, Age 4, Jacksonville, FL - (581x800, 65kB)
Ethan, North Carolina - Dragon*Con 2003/jincey Katrina, age 2 1/2, Birmingham, AL - Dragon*Con 2003/jincey Kyle, Age 4, Jacksonville, FL - Dragon*Con 2003/jincey
Mark, age 6, Dothan AL - (581x800, 186kB)
Ellen, Midlothian, VA - (581x800, 174kB)
Veronica, age 8, Dothan, AL - (581x800, 150kB)
Mark, age 6, Dothan AL - Dragon*Con 2003/jincey Ellen, Midlothian, VA - Dragon*Con 2003/jincey Veronica, age 8, Dothan, AL - Dragon*Con 2003/jincey
Victoria, age 8, Dothan, AL - (800x581, 194kB)
Victoria, age 8, Dothan, AL - Dragon*Con 2003/jincey
Key to colours:
TORn Classic
- TORn Classic  


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