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Background 'Rivendell' by Ted Nasmith

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Comic Con 2003 Day 4 - Gallery 1
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Group Description:
The gallery contains images from the Comic Con 2003 New Line Cinema presentation featuring WETA workshop, Elijah Wood, Dominic Monaghan, Sean Astin, Sala Baker, Andy Serkis and Richard Taylor.
Group dated 20th July 2003.

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Andy Serkis and Tookish - (800x530, 96kB)
Andy Serkis Signing - (800x530, 89kB)
Elijah and Dom Duke it out - (530x800, 100kB)
Andy Serkis and Tookish - Comic-Con 2003/Calisuri Andy Serkis Signing - Comic-Con 2003/Calisuri Elijah and Dom Duke it out - Comic-Con 2003/Calisuri
Sala Baker as Uruk-hai - (530x800, 82kB)
Sala Baker as Uruk-hai - (530x800, 82kB)
Sala Baker and Richard Taylor - (530x800, 73kB)
Sala Baker as Uruk-hai - Comic-Con 2003/Calisuri Sala Baker as Uruk-hai - Comic-Con 2003/Calisuri Sala Baker and Richard Taylor - Comic-Con 2003/Calisuri
WETA Workshop attaches Hobbit feet - (800x530, 94kB)
A Hobbit of the Shire - (530x800, 80kB)
Dominic Monaghan takes the stage - (530x800, 76kB)
WETA Workshop attaches Hobbit feet - Comic-Con 2003/Calisuri A Hobbit of the Shire - Comic-Con 2003/Calisuri Dominic Monaghan takes the stage - Comic-Con 2003/Calisuri
Andy Serkis and Dominic Monaghan - (800x530, 63kB)
Andy Serkis on stage - (530x800, 78kB)
Andy Serkis and Sean Astin - (530x800, 86kB)
Andy Serkis and Dominic Monaghan - Comic-Con 2003/Calisuri Andy Serkis on stage - Comic-Con 2003/Calisuri Andy Serkis and Sean Astin - Comic-Con 2003/Calisuri
Andy Serkis, Elijah Wood and Sean Astin - (530x800, 80kB)
Andy Serkis, Elijah Wood, Sean Astin, WETA and Sala Baker - (800x530, 78kB)
The stage is full - (800x530, 90kB)
Andy Serkis, Elijah Wood and Sean Astin - Comic-Con 2003/Calisuri Andy Serkis, Elijah Wood, Sean Astin, WETA and Sala Baker - Comic-Con 2003/Calisuri The stage is full - Comic-Con 2003/Calisuri
The Hobbits wave Goodbye! - (800x530, 84kB)
Daniel Falconer carries LOTR Props - (530x800, 70kB)
Young LOTR Fans - (530x800, 106kB)
The Hobbits wave Goodbye! - Comic-Con 2003/Calisuri Daniel Falconer carries LOTR Props - Comic-Con 2003/Calisuri Young LOTR Fans - Comic-Con 2003/Calisuri
Key to colours:
TORn Classic
- TORn Classic  


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