Group "Amazing Hi Resolution RoTK Publicity Stills!":
Pippin At The White Tower |
Pippin At The White Tower - Original: 1005x1500, 1.4MB |
Information: |
Pippin tries to explain Boromir’s death to his father Denethor, the Steward of Gondor at Minas Tirith. Although the above is the official New Line caption for this image - we got it from their site - there's several oddities. First, Pippin is wearing the armour of a Guard of White Tower. As Tolkien wrote it, Pippin was never outfitted in this armour until after he had spoken Denethor about Boromir and sworn his oath of service. There's also what looks to be a bier in the background - an odd thing to have in a throneroom, but not so odd for the Hallows of the Kings. Perhaps this could in actually be part of the Pyre of Denethor scene? |
Further Navigation: |
This image is part of the group Amazing Hi Resolution RoTK Publicity Stills!. |
For related images, see also the Promotional Material, Minas Tirith, Pippin and Return of the King sections. |
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