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Background 'Rivendell' by Ted Nasmith

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The Uruk-hai Project
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Group Description:
Andrew writes: I go to Vancouver Film School doing makeup and Design for Film and Television, our current project is to make latex masks for background characters and I decided to make a Uruk-hai, thought someone there might apreciate it as I'm the only Lord of the Rings fan in my class.
Group dated 10th Sept 2007.

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The Uruk-hai Project - (600x400, 20kB)
The Uruk-hai Project - (600x400, 19kB)
The Uruk-hai Project - (600x400, 24kB)
The Uruk-hai Project - Andrew/Andrew The Uruk-hai Project - Andrew/Andrew The Uruk-hai Project - Andrew/Andrew
The Uruk-hai Project - (600x400, 28kB)
The Uruk-hai Project - (600x400, 21kB)
The Uruk-hai Project - (600x400, 25kB)
The Uruk-hai Project - Andrew/Andrew The Uruk-hai Project - Andrew/Andrew The Uruk-hai Project - Andrew/Andrew
The Uruk-hai Project - (600x400, 29kB)
The Uruk-hai Project - (600x400, 15kB)
The Uruk-hai Project - (600x400, 29kB)
The Uruk-hai Project - Andrew/Andrew The Uruk-hai Project - Andrew/Andrew The Uruk-hai Project - Andrew/Andrew
The Uruk-hai Project - (600x400, 27kB)
The Uruk-hai Project - (600x400, 28kB)
The Uruk-hai Project - Andrew/Andrew The Uruk-hai Project - Andrew/Andrew
Key to colours:
TORn Classic
- TORn Classic  


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