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Background 'Rivendell' by Ted Nasmith

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SFX Article: The Return of the Kong!
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Group Description:
The Christmas 2004 edition of SFX Magazine features this article on King Kong.
Group dated 2nd Dec 2004.

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SFX Article: The Return of the Kong! - (580x800, 101kB)
SFX Article: The Return of the Kong! - (580x800, 96kB)
SFX Article: The Return of the Kong! - (580x800, 113kB)
SFX Article: The Return of the Kong! - SFX Magazine/Kong Spy Gandalf SFX Article: The Return of the Kong! - SFX Magazine/Kong Spy Gandalf SFX Article: The Return of the Kong! - SFX Magazine/Kong Spy Gandalf
SFX Article: The Return of the Kong! - (580x800, 129kB)
SFX Article: The Return of the Kong! - (580x800, 107kB)
SFX Article: The Return of the Kong! - (580x800, 157kB)
SFX Article: The Return of the Kong! - SFX Magazine/Kong Spy Gandalf SFX Article: The Return of the Kong! - SFX Magazine/Kong Spy Gandalf SFX Article: The Return of the Kong! - SFX Magazine/Kong Spy Gandalf
SFX Article: The Return of the Kong! - (580x800, 146kB)
SFX Article: The Return of the Kong! - (580x800, 144kB)
SFX Article: The Return of the Kong! - SFX Magazine/Kong Spy Gandalf SFX Article: The Return of the Kong! - SFX Magazine/Kong Spy Gandalf
Key to colours:
TORn Classic
- TORn Classic  


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