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Background 'Rivendell' by Ted Nasmith

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Fellowship Festival Pictures Galore!
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Group Description:
A collection of pictures from the Fellowship Festival 2004!
Group dated 3rd Sept 2004.

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Alan Lee poses with fans! - (567x427, 48kB)
Alan Lee and John Howe speak - (567x425, 31kB)
Cati and Karl Urban - (425x440, 35kB)
Alan Lee poses with fans! - The Fellowship Festival/Ringer Spy Cati Alan Lee and John Howe speak - The Fellowship Festival/Ringer Spy Cati Cati and Karl Urban - The Fellowship Festival/Ringer Spy Cati
Karl Urban on stage! - (324x477, 27kB)
The infamous radioplay! - (567x404, 48kB)
Gimli takes out Lawrence Makoare! - (800x600, 160kB)
Karl Urban on stage! - The Fellowship Festival/Ringer Spy Cati The infamous radioplay! - The Fellowship Festival/Ringer Spy Cati Gimli takes out Lawrence Makoare! - The Fellowship Festival/Ringer Spy Gina
What could it be... - (400x300, 15kB)
Stunt Demonstration! - (400x300, 26kB)
Lay still! - (400x300, 32kB)
What could it be... - The Fellowship Festival/Ringer Spy Gina Stunt Demonstration! - The Fellowship Festival/Ringer Spy Nadine Lay still! - The Fellowship Festival/Ringer Spy Nadine
More stunt demonstrating - (400x300, 35kB)
Don't try this at home... - (400x300, 24kB)
Mark Ferguson and the box-man - (400x300, 18kB)
More stunt demonstrating - The Fellowship Festival/Ringer Spy Nadine Don't try this at home... - The Fellowship Festival/Ringer Spy Nadine Mark Ferguson and the box-man - The Fellowship Festival/Ringer Spy Nadine
John Noble speaks! - (800x600, 68kB)
Bernard Hill speaks! - (800x600, 71kB)
Karl Urban, up close and personal - (800x600, 94kB)
John Noble speaks! - The Fellowship Festival/Ringer Spy Janine Bernard Hill speaks! - The Fellowship Festival/Ringer Spy Janine Karl Urban, up close and personal - The Fellowship Festival/Ringer Spy Janine
Gino Acevedo at work - (800x600, 97kB)
I found a foot! - (800x600, 104kB)
Needs more brown there.... - (800x600, 89kB)
Gino Acevedo at work - The Fellowship Festival/Ringer Spy Janine I found a foot! - The Fellowship Festival/Ringer Spy Janine Needs more brown there.... - The Fellowship Festival/Ringer Spy Janine
Lovely, umm... eyes - (800x600, 125kB)
Closing ceremony - (800x600, 75kB)
Festival-guests! - (800x600, 81kB)
Lovely, umm... eyes - The Fellowship Festival/Ringer Spy Janine Closing ceremony - The Fellowship Festival/Ringer Spy Janine Festival-guests! - The Fellowship Festival/Ringer Spy Janine
Ringer Spy Janine and John Noble - (800x600, 99kB)
Sarah Mcleod! - (800x600, 89kB)
John Howe and Alan Lee pose - (800x600, 76kB)
Ringer Spy Janine and John Noble - The Fellowship Festival/Ringer Spy Janine Sarah Mcleod! - The Fellowship Festival/Ringer Spy Janine John Howe and Alan Lee pose - The Fellowship Festival/Ringer Spy Janine
Key to colours:
TORn Classic
- TORn Classic  


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