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Background 'Rivendell' by Ted Nasmith

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Sideshow/Weta Collectibles Return of the King Line-Up
Browsing group's images 1 to 4 out of 4 (0.0ms).
Group Description:
Sideshow/Weta Collectibles has placed a partial list of Return of the King items available for pre-order. Only a few had pictures at the time of press. This group of images showcases The Golden Hall Environment, Helm's Deep Environment and 'A Meeting of Old Friends' Wall Plaque. To order one of the new statues, use the links below:
Eowyn as Dernhelm Statue

Morgul Lord Statue

Haradhrim Soldier Statue

Brand New Balrog Statue

Gandalf on Shadowfax Statue

Sauron Statue

'A Meeting of Old Friends' Wall Plaque

Helm's Deep Environment

Golden Hall Environment

Group dated 20th Jan 2004.

View:  Order:  Thumbs:  
The Golden Hall - (800x598, 77kB)
'A Meeting of Old Friends' Wall Plaque - (800x533, 121kB)
Helm's Deep Environment - (800x586, 87kB)
The Golden Hall - Calisuri/Sideshow/WETA 'A Meeting of Old Friends' Wall Plaque - Calisuri/Sideshow/WETA Helm's Deep Environment - Calisuri/Sideshow/WETA
Helm's Deep Environment - (800x533, 82kB)
Helm's Deep Environment - Calisuri/Sideshow/WETA
Key to colours:
TORn Classic
- TORn Classic  


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