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Background 'Rivendell' by Ted Nasmith

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Fell Beast at the Embassy Theater
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Group Description:
Ringer Spy Mr. MB was up close and personal during the raising of The Fell Beast and Morgul Lord above the Embassy Theater in Wellington, New Zealand.
Group dated 22nd Nov 2003.

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The head of the Fell Beast - (800x600, 140kB)
The Fell Beast on the ground - (800x600, 146kB)
Richard Taylor Oversees the Production - (600x800, 119kB)
The head of the Fell Beast - Ringer Spy Mr. MB The Fell Beast on the ground - Ringer Spy Mr. MB Richard Taylor Oversees the Production - Ringer Spy Mr. MB
Richard Taylor Oversees the Production - (800x600, 131kB)
The Head of the Fell Beast - (800x600, 137kB)
The Fell Beast on the Ground - (600x800, 116kB)
Richard Taylor Oversees the Production - Ringer Spy Mr. MB The Head of the Fell Beast - Ringer Spy Mr. MB The Fell Beast on the Ground - Ringer Spy Mr. MB
Preparing the Witch King - (800x600, 111kB)
Richard Taylor Oversees the Production - (600x800, 117kB)
The Head of the Fell Beast - (800x600, 126kB)
Preparing the Witch King - Ringer Spy Mr. MB Richard Taylor Oversees the Production - Ringer Spy Mr. MB The Head of the Fell Beast - Ringer Spy Mr. MB
The Witch King - (800x600, 108kB)
Watch Out Richard! - (800x600, 107kB)
Richard Taylor Oversees the Production - (600x800, 127kB)
The Witch King - Ringer Spy Mr. MB Watch Out Richard! - Ringer Spy Mr. MB Richard Taylor Oversees the Production - Ringer Spy Mr. MB
The Fell Beast on the Ground - (800x600, 144kB)
Richard Taylor Oversees the Production - (800x600, 117kB)
Richard Taylor Oversees the Production - (800x600, 95kB)
The Fell Beast on the Ground - Ringer Spy Mr. MB Richard Taylor Oversees the Production - Ringer Spy Mr. MB Richard Taylor Oversees the Production - Ringer Spy Mr. MB
Richard Taylor Oversees the Production - (800x600, 111kB)
Closeup of the Witch King - (800x600, 113kB)
The Beast Takes Flight - (800x600, 133kB)
Richard Taylor Oversees the Production - Ringer Spy Mr. MB Closeup of the Witch King - Ringer Spy Mr. MB The Beast Takes Flight - Ringer Spy Mr. MB
Fell Beast Close-up - (800x600, 137kB)
The Fell Beast outside the Embassy Theater - (600x800, 116kB)
The Morgul Lord - (800x600, 111kB)
Fell Beast Close-up - Ringer Spy Mr. MB The Fell Beast outside the Embassy Theater - Ringer Spy Mr. MB The Morgul Lord - Ringer Spy Mr. MB
Key to colours:
TORn Classic
- TORn Classic  


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