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Background 'Rivendell' by Ted Nasmith

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ROTK Line Party: Finland
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Group Description:
Nerwen sends in these images from the Finnish lineparty at Plevna theater in Tampere, Finland.

'Tickets will be sold at 6.00am Saturday morning (22.11) and we'll be able to spend the last night inside the theater watching movies and trying out the new ROTK console game. We've also been planning karaoke, dancing, trivia and live role playing games.'

Group dated 17th Nov 2003.

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ROTK Line Party: Finland - (300x400, 29kB)
ROTK Line Party: Finland - (500x361, 39kB)
ROTK Line Party: Finland - (214x341, 13kB)
ROTK Line Party: Finland - Ringer Spy Nerwen ROTK Line Party: Finland - Ringer Spy Nerwen ROTK Line Party: Finland - Ringer Spy Nerwen
ROTK Line Party: Finland - (307x410, 40kB)
ROTK Line Party: Finland - (307x410, 25kB)
ROTK Line Party: Finland - (400x300, 32kB)
ROTK Line Party: Finland - Ringer Spy Nerwen ROTK Line Party: Finland - Ringer Spy Nerwen ROTK Line Party: Finland - Ringer Spy Nerwen
ROTK Line Party: Finland - (400x342, 40kB)
ROTK Line Party: Finland - Ringer Spy Nerwen
Key to colours:
TORn Classic
- TORn Classic  


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