TORn Classic:
LOTR Gear |
LOTR Gear - 640x480, 39kB |
Information: |
Lord of the Rings Pix Check out what your fashionably-dressed LOTR warrior will wear, plus a short glance at a dwarf. July 10, 2000 If you're not wearing this gear, you better be watching from the sidelines. A battalion of IGN editors hit Vegas this weekend for the big video retailer VSDA convention, as well as more than a little gambling and guzzling. We figured we'd grab some stories, some hangovers and a little roulette fever. We never figured that Steven would walk away with a wheelbarrow full of winnings, or that we could spend hours on end watching Playboy Playmate Jaime Bergman just breathing (and what a nice pair of lungs that lady has). And we never figured that New Line would have a showcase of Lord of the Rings gear at their booth. Just another reason to have that surgically implanted camera. |
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This image is part of the group LOTR Gear. |
For related images, see also the Gimli, Other Production and Other Events sections. |
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