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TORn Classic: Authors "T": Author "Tufigno Photo Service":
Star-studded auction in aid of SPCA
Tufigno Photo Service
17th June 2003

Star-studded auction in aid of SPCA - 300x200, 19kB

 Star-studded auction in aid of SPCA - 300x200, 19kB

From left: Diane Kruger (Helen of Troy), Orlando Bloom (Paris), Garett Hedlund (Patroclus) and Sean Bean (Oysseus).

The film production Troy has continued its support of the SPCA, with memorabilia from the movie fetching about Lm4,500 at a fund-raising reception hosted at the US ambassador's residence on Sunday.

Donations from guests raised a further Lm1,500, and the total Lm6,000 is intended to "start a fund to get the wheels in motion for a new home," said SPCA president Barbara Cassar Torreggiani.

A host of Troy actors - Orlando Bloom (Lord of the Rings), Sean Bean (Lord of the Rings), Brian Cox (25th Hour), John Shrapnel (Gladiator), Diane Kruger, who is playing Helen of Troy and Garrett Hedlund as Patroclus - attended the event, mingling with the guests and using their celebrity status in aid of Malta's many stray animals.

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