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Author "Ringers: Lord of the Fans":
NEWS FLASH! Pre-Orders For Award-Winning Documentary RINGERS! |
NEWS FLASH! Pre-Orders For Award-Winning Documentary RINGERS! - 379x500, 41kB This image is attributed to: http://www.theonering.net/perl/newsview/6/1126312397 Author: Ringers: Lord of the Fans |
Information: |
The wait is finally over for a worldwide audience eager to see the groundbreaking documentary RINGERS: LORD OF THE FANS, narrated by Dominic Monaghan and released by Sony Pictures Home Entertainment -- Pre-orders for both DVD and PSP format start on Amazon.com next Monday for U.S. and Canada (so be here for a special TORn announcement on Sept. 12th!). A film that has become a growing sensation since January, RINGERS tells the story of 50 years of Tolkien’s influence on popular culture. Audiences found the next “LOTR” film they’ve been craving as RINGERS blew the roof off the Slamdance Film Festival, going on to win Outstanding Achievement Feature Documentary at the Newport Beach Film Festival and then getting snapped up for worldwide distribution by Sony (to be released in late November 2005)! |
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