TORn Classic:
Authors "P":
Author "Play Along Toys":
Packaging |
Packaging - Original: 2545x2191, 918kB |
Information: |
Packaging: 9 out 10 Attractive more so than Toy Biz figures or any other LOTR items Ive seen. PlayAlong has used a light-blue themed box featuring an image of the Uruk-Hai marching on Helms Deep. There is a large window displaying the figures nicely, with a printed map of Middle Earth on the insert behind the figures. The back of the package features a nice cross-sell, showing all of the figures currently available and some upcoming three-packs and deluxe figures. Simple, elegant, and well-done. Some poor fellow has mixed up the Mordor Orcs with the Moria Orcs but well forgive him. The figures are held securely (overly so) in the blister with twist ties. Get your clippers ready youre going to need to snip two or three twist-ties for each figure, and another one for each base. Then youll need to battle the scotch tape holding the weapons in the blister. It took me nearly 10 minutes just to open it nothing is coming loose until you break out the heavy weaponry this is a well-packed set. |
Further Navigation: |
This image is part of the group Armies of MIddle-Earth: Ambush at Weathertop Collection. |
For related images, see also the Fellowship of the Ring, Merchandise, Collectibles and Toys sections. |
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