TORn Classic:
Authors "P":
Author "Paul Badali":
Badali's 'TORN LP3' Pin |
Badali's 'TORN LP3' Pin - 620x602, 88kB http://stores.ebay.com/badalijewelry |
Information: |
Paul Badali, who lives in Layton, Utah has been a part of the TORn line party activities since they started two years ago for "Fellowship Of The Ring." This year, he felt that he wanted to do something a little bit extra so he created a comemorative pin for the thousands of TORnados who participate in line party activies around the globe. "It is more a labor of love than a project I thought I was going to get rich off of. I wanted one myself and I was in contact with folks making it happen and folks participating." So he created a quality pin at an affordable price for LP3 events the world over and a slightly different version for Salt Lake City, the line he participates in. |
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