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Author "NZ Embassy":
TORNsibs Embassy Seat |
TORNsibs Embassy Seat - Original: 1200x806, 105kB |
Information: |
frodo's girl writes: I've just spent the last two nights watching PJ's movies in the Embassy ('Heavenly Creatures' and 'The Frighteners') the sound and screen are superb and it is a real kick to look through the first three rows and see all the ringers there. I have taken pictures of a bunch of the seat plaques, though I've only included the discussion board's here - if you are from the Texas group, the .nl group, the Utah group, or are Jo or Lora, you can write to me at seats@frodosgirl.net and I'll send you a copy of your pic (I've sent the Seattle group to Laurelinda) If you are another ringer and I haven't mentioned you, and you know where your seat is, write and I'll do what I can to get you a picture. As you saw from the report yesterday, Elijah has a seat, as do many of the other stars. If you are ordering tickets from the Embassy and you want to sit in Elijah's seat, it is F29, next to him is Sean Astin in F30 and down the row are Billy and Dom in F39 and F40, and down the other way is Brad in F24.....apparently Viggo and Orli like to sit a little closer, as their two seats are on the aisle in row E, numbers E19 and E20....up in the posh leather seats, you'll find Howard Shore (G25), Liv (G26) and Hugo (G27) sitting just behind one hobbit pair. Further up in the the posh leather section you can sit in Richard Taylor's and Tania Rodger's seats (K31 and K32). I did find Sir Ian McKellen's seat, but somehow left it off my list, as well as the seats for various members of Peter's family and of course may have missed other's. I'm just going to bet that the seats the stars bought are going to be well used and photographed! |
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