TORn Classic:
Authors "M":
Author "Matthew Costello":
The Island of the Skull |
The Island of the Skull - 321x500, 47kB http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/1416516697/qid=1128614675/theoneringnet |
Information: |
Entrepreneur and filmmaker Carl Denham struggles to make a name for himself in the entertainment industry – but all of his charisma and showmanship may have to take a back seat to the greatest adventure yet to come... Vaudeville regular and struggling actress Ann Darrow leaves the lights of Broadway behind for the sand and shores of Atlantic City – and makes a very personal connection that will soon have ramifications on a life-altering experience... Former Navy diver Sam Kelly, down on his luck in a Depression-ravaged San Francisco, throws caution to the wind and takes a shaky job on an even shakier pearl-diving ship, destined for one of the most extraordinary – and dangerous – locales on the face of the Earth... Three individuals leading separate lives – all inextricably bound by the hands of fate, each drawing inexorably closer to a place that will test the very limits of their humanity...and change the world forever... |
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