TORn Classic:
Authors "M":
Author "MSN Movies":
MSN Talks King Kong |
MSN Talks King Kong - 300x298, 17kB |
Information: |
One of the most iconic movie images of the 20th Century was the monster ape King Kong holding the beautiful Fay Wray in one hand and swatting away biplanes with the other as he stood atop the Empire State Building. Fresh off the landmark success of his "Lord of the Rings" trilogy, Peter Jackson is getting the chance to remake the classic tale he's loved for years. Ignoring the "modern" 1976 version (featuring Jeff Bridges and Jessica Lange), Jackson's movie will take place as the original did -- in the 1930's. This time, Naomi Watts stars as the object of the ape's affection with Jack Black, Adrien Brody and Andy Serkis (providing the movements for Kong) rounding out the cast. With Jackson's special effects team at Weta Digital in tow, get ready for a dramatic return to Skull Island. |
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For related images, see also the King Kong sections. |
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