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TORn Classic: Authors "C": Author "Cold Spring Press":
The Tolkien Fan's Medieval Reader : Versions in Modern Prose
Cold Spring Press
TORN Staffer Turgon
22nd Mar 2004

The Tolkien Fan's Medieval Reader : Versions in Modern Prose - 511x800, 179kB

 The Tolkien Fan's Medieval Reader : Versions in Modern Prose - Original: 1092x1708, 535kB 

Brought together in one volume for the first time, The Tolkien Fan’s Medieval Reader presents many of the medieval texts that were important to Tolkien’s professional work and to his fiction. Selected and edited by's own Turgon, who also wrote the introductions to each section, this is a unique resource that Tolkien fans will want on their bookshelf!

Prose versions of such marvel-filled works as Beowulf, Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, and the Prose Edda of Snorri Sturluson—three classics that every fantasy fan will enjoy on their own merits. Many will also appreciate seeing firsthand how these works, and others in this book—from Old English, Middle English, Old Norse, the Celtic languages and Finnish—served as inspiration for elements in Tolkien’s great imaginary world of Middle-earth: dragons, elves, dwarves, monsters, magical swords and heroes.

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