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Author "Calisuri":
Eugene Jun's Smeagol Statue |
Eugene Jun's Smeagol Statue - Original: 768x1024, 82kB |
Information: |
Greetings from Korea! Many people here also look very much forward to seeing LOTR ROTK including myself. I can't wait no more!!! And many people also eager to have this Smeagol statue like me. But DVD Distributor in Korea notified that they would sell Semagol and DVD package separately like they did when they were selling LOTR: FOTR gift box set, which many LOTR fan doesn’t like. So, I bought my Semagol via international purchase. I thought that My Smeagol must have tough time to travel that long distance in the tiny box :) So, I hurried to free him but I soon found out that it was not an easy job like everyone else. I did not want to damage the box so I could not follow the instruction described in the Sideshowtoy.com. With 1 hr of web surfing for getting tips to remove Gollum without ripping open the box and 20 min. of hard work with pliers and razor blade, I did it eventually. This is the first shot that I took with Smeagol cerebrating his successful escape from kind of over-secured foam of the box. Small pictures are I and my wife with Smeagol. Eugene Jun's Smeagol Statue from The Two Towers Collector's Edition DVD Gift Set. |
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This image is part of the group Show us your Smeagol!. |
For related images, see also the Audio-Visual and Other Merchandise sections. |
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